Hi5 Dental is proud to announce a new location in Beaverton, OR!
We have moved Pediatric dentistry services to our Beaverton practice and our Cedar Hills practice will provide Orthodontic services! |
Children Emergencies
When an emergency happens, the last thing you want to worry about is where to take your child! If your child needs emergency treatment, we recommend you call us immediately. We will make arrangements to see your child as soon as possible. We encourage you to start your child's dental visits by age one so that in the case of a dental emergency, your child can come to a safe and familiar environment. Knocked-Out Tooth Primary (Baby) Tooth
DO NOT insert a baby tooth back into the mouth or complications for the permanent tooth may result.
Knocked Out Permanent Tooth
Time is critical! Treatment within 30 minutes is the goal. Do not wash the tooth unless it is dirty. If it is dirty, rinse it gently with cool milk. If you don't have milk, rinse it with water. Try not to touch the root. Do not scrub the root or remove any attached tissue. Gently insert and hold the tooth in its socket. If this is not possible, "store" the tooth in the mouth next to the cheek. A young child may not be able to safely store the tooth in their mouth without swallowing it. Instead, have the child spit generously into a cup. Place the tooth in the cup with the saliva. If nothing else is available, place the tooth in a cup of water. The most important thing is to keep the tooth moist. If there is a tooth preservation kit, such as Save-a-Tooth®, transport the tooth in it. We recommend you come to our office immediately and call us on the way. Don’t forget to bring the tooth!
If you are more than an hour away from the dentist, it is probably best to go to the nearest Hospital Emergency Room. They can place the tooth in the proper solution that will keep the tooth viable for 24 hours. This gives you time to see the dentist for proper care.
Chipped Tooth
If there is facial or lip swelling, put a cold compress on the area. If there is pain, give children’s Motrin or Tylenol. Call our office as soon as possible.
Objects Caught Between Teeth Often popcorn husks become caught between teeth or near the gum line. Gently try to remove the object with dental floss. If that does not work, come to our office.
Brush the teeth with warm water and floss the teeth. Give your child what you would normally give him or her for pain relief. Do not put aspirin on the aching tooth or gum tissue. Call our dental office as soon as possible. |
Our Doctors:
Hai Pham, DMD Jenette Intrachat, DDS Grace Shao-Chiu Chen, DMD, MS Jessica Irwin, DMD Edward Pham, DMD
TOP DENTIST, Portland MonthlyDr. Pham was featured in Portland Monthly, chosen as one of the Top Dentists, Pediatric Dentistry, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. |
Hospital Privileges |
Dr. Pham has hospital privileges at: